Elder Wirthlin

I will remember Elder Wirthlin for several reasons... Sure he could never read very well, but his sports stories were cool. I will always remember the one where he was a running back and he landed inches away from a touchdown. He says he could have easily moved the ball up for a touchdown which would have earned him the championship, but he decided to be honest and do the right thing (because of his mom). It reminds me of the many times I did what it took to win (even if it were bending the rules). I wonder what I would have done all those times growing up if I would have heard that story during my youth.

My prayers to the Wirthlin family... sweet man... who has reunited with his sweetheart.


J and L said...

Well said Mitch! He is a great man and his sports analogies were also my favorite thing about Elder Wirthlin. He had some pretty good one liners too... Prayers indeed are with his family.
How is Jill doing these days? Almost any day now, right?!?!?!!

The Simpson Times said...

Mark and I had not even heard that Elder Wirthlin passed, until he read it on lds.org yesterday. What a great man he was!
I wonder how Jill is doing these days too! I'm thinking about her and hoping all goes well for you all!